Saturday, May 31, 2008

Derek's Grand Slam

We got home from ElDorado last night and had a great time with the girls and their families. We had eaten out at lunch on Thursday and it was not where Derek wanted to eat. So I told him that if he hit a homerun I would take him out to eat wherever he wanted to eat. Well, you guess it. He cam to the plate at the near end of the game and the bases were loaded. When he hit the ball I knew we were not having sandwiches at home. Great Hit Derek!!! Nana was soo happy to take you out... Of course the rest of the family enjoyed it too!
We kept Jarett for Julie and Jason's anniversary that night...About 8:30 here they came to kiss their little man goodnight. I think it was hard for them to let him stay. But they needed the alone time since Jason would be at camp for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Jarett was just great.
I must admit the first night we got there both couples had work to do for the camp coming up and Don and I kept the kids (all 4 of them) Briefly they were all so good but then both babies started to cry and we switched babies back and forth and then Don looked at me and said "Is it time to go home yet?" He did fine though he got Brylee to sleep and Julie and Jason got there in time to get Jarett to sleep..I must tell you though, they did not give us any bottles or pacifiers for him. And neither girls had their cell phones with them. We had fun!!! They all grow so fast.
Well I'll post some more another day

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Keepin' the road HOT!

Don and I are back in El Dorado again. We love that both girls live in the same town and only 4 1/2 hours from us. Derek has a game tomorrow night then we're heading home Friday. We will post some pictures soon.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Can you believe that I started a blog!!!